ItaHalo ITASAAS has comprehensive, grounded scenario solutions for goal setting, task follow-up, progress review, performance management, talent analysis and other business scenarios.
Targets flow up and down for efficiency. OTP: Objective - Strategy - Plan. Lower-level targets update upper levels automatically. AI-assisted target analysis and writing.
Goal visualization for timely follow-up. W3D3: Daily-Weekly-Monthly-Yearly events to prioritize. Inventory management, progress tracking, and organized teamwork.
Review to avoid repeating mistakes. Format: daily-weekly-monthly meetings. Data review, people analysis, improvement plan focus follow-up.
Automatic flow of goal completion and performance visualisation. Goal Score + Collaboration Score. Performance = Goals + Competencies + Values, AI Evaluation, Multi-Dimensional Data Reports.
Goal Completion Analysis Talent. Six forces analysis, team management behaviour.
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